Un foro para los participantes del Documento de Montreux sobre las obligaciones legales internacionales pertinentes y las buenas prácticas para los Estados en relación con las operaciones de empresas militares y de seguridad privadas durante los conflictos armados.

Montreux Document Regional Conference held for Francophone African states, Dakar, Senegal

Montreux Document Regional Conference held for Francophone African states, Dakar, Senegal

In June 2014, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal in collaboration with the ICRC, and the Centre des hautes études du défense et securité (CHEDS), and DCAF, hosted a regional conference in Dakar.

The conference gathered over 60 participants including civil society, international organisations and representatives from 16 states in the Francophone and Lusophone region in Africa (Algeria, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cap Vert, Cameroon, Mauritania, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Central African Republic, Togo).

The aim of the seminar was to increase the number of states supporting the Montreux Document, to provide an opportunity to share experiences, and to identify good practices regarding the national regulation of PMSCs in sub-Saharan Africa.

Download the report of the Conference

"The Montreux Document reaffirms the obligation of states to see to it that PMSCs operating in armed conflicts adhere to international humanitarian law and international human rights law" Zakaria Maiga, deputy head, ICRC regional delegation in Dakar.