Un foro para los participantes del Documento de Montreux sobre las obligaciones legales internacionales pertinentes y las buenas prácticas para los Estados en relación con las operaciones de empresas militares y de seguridad privadas durante los conflictos armados.

Montenegro supports the Montreux Document

By adding its voice to the Montreux Document Forum, Montenegro can contribute significantly to increase respect for International Humanitarian law and International Human Rights Law, wherever PMSCs are present.
By adding its voice to the Montreux Document Forum, Montenegro can contribute significantly to increase respect for International Humanitarian law and International Human Rights Law, wherever PMSCs are present.

We are delighted to announce that Montenegro became an official participating state to the Montreux Document, constituting the 55th supporter of the Document.

The gradual increase in membership to the Montreux Document indicates that outreach has been successful and demonstrates Governance Private Military and Security Companies remains a particularly important topic.

However, there is a lot of potential in further increasing the support for the Montreux Document. Specifically, in regions such as the Middle East and North Africa, Asia Pacific, and Sub-Saharan Africa, outreach activities are promising. Promoting support for the Montreux Document is one of the main objectives of the MDF, which can be pursued by all Montreux Document participants and in particular, by the Group of Friends of the Chair.

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