Un foro para los participantes del Documento de Montreux sobre las obligaciones legales internacionales pertinentes y las buenas prácticas para los Estados en relación con las operaciones de empresas militares y de seguridad privadas durante los conflictos armados.

Estonia becomes the newest state to officially support the Montreux Document

Estonia becomes the newest state to officially support the Montreux Document

Recognizing the importance of the Montreux Document in reaffirming legal obligations and providing states with good practices related to the operations of PMSCs, Estonia has become the 54th state to support the Montreux Document.

By adding its voice to the Montreux Document Forum (MDF), Estonia can bring a new perspective and energy to implementation efforts, particularly as related to the European Union, where 24 member states support the Montreux Document.

With the new Legislative Guidance Tool for States to Regulate PMSCs, the national implementation of the rules and good practices contained in the Montreux Document is a key focus for the MDF.

All states and international organisations are invited to become participants of the Montreux Document by communicating their support to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.