Un foro para los participantes del Documento de Montreux sobre las obligaciones legales internacionales pertinentes y las buenas prácticas para los Estados en relación con las operaciones de empresas militares y de seguridad privadas durante los conflictos armados.

Second Plenary Meeting of the Montreux Document Forum

During the opening of the meeting, participants welcomed Madagascar, which became the 53rd State to officially support the Montreux Document on 5 November 2015.
During the opening of the meeting, participants welcomed Madagascar, which became the 53rd State to officially support the Montreux Document on 5 November 2015.

On 29 January 2016, Montreux Document participants gathered in Geneva for the second plenary of the MDF. The previous plenary and constitutional meeting took place in December 2014.

The Plenary was chaired by Ambassador Jürg Lindenmann, Deputy Director of the Department of International Law at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and Dr. Helen Durham, Director of International Law and Policy, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Plenary provided a space for an informal exchange among Montreux Document participants on specific issues pertaining to the implementation of the Montreux Document and good practices. It was attended by 27 states and two international organisations supporting the Montreux Document.

Download the Chairs’ Summary for more information.

The Plenary aimed at enabling Montreux Document participants to exchange on the implementation of good practices provided in the Montreux Document.
Second Plenary Meeting of the Montreux Document Forum